Noghteh Publication

Noghteh Resources on Iran was founded in the spring of 1995. The founding members were intellectuals who had left Iran soon after the all out repression that swept Iran in 1982, residing in the US and Europe. The objective was to nourish the Iranian emigrants and political refugees as to the artistic, intellectual, cultural and political endeavors undertaken by their compatriots as well as renowned Iranologists teaching in Universities and institutions of higher Education, world over. The major means toward that objective was perceived as a Persian Language Quarterly on Politics, History and Culture. It was also resolved to publish Noghteh Review and Noghteh Books as extra vehicles by which long and extensive articles of research or books of originality, penned by young and veteran exiled authors could be disseminated. Subjects of interest were: historical accounts on women’s oppression and religious persecution in the Islamic Republic of Iran, prison memoirs, prose and poetry on life in exile as well as historical, cultural, philosophical and political oeuvres banned in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Noghteh Publication

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