.اژدها در اساطیر ایران <> Dragon in Persian Mythology


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Book number: 6894 Book Author: Rastegar Fasa'i, Mansour (رستگار فسایی، منصور )ISBN: 964-315-501-3 Categories: , Tags: , , ,
Additional Information
Book Author Rastegar Fasa'i, Mansour
Publisher Toos Publication
Published place Tehran
Published date 1379
Edition First Edition
Cover type paperback
Pages 378
Weight 570
Dimensions 23.4 × 16.9 × 1.9 cm
Language persian
Agegroup Adults
نویسنده/مولف رستگار فسایی، منصور
نام ناشر توس
تاریخ انتشار 1379
محل انتشار Tehran
گروه سنی بزرگسالان
تعداد صفحات 378
زبان فارسی
شابک 964-315-501-3

اژدها در اساطیر ایران

ریشه واژه اژدها و (ضحاک) یکی است و صورت‌هایی دیگر چون «اژدر»، «اژدرها» و «اژدهات» دارد، به معنی «ماری است افسانه‌ای و بزرگ، با دهان فراخ و گشاد.» اژدها یا اژدر که در زبان اوستایی «اژی» (-aži)، در زبان پهلوی ساسانی (فارسی میانه) «از» (az) و در زبان سانسکریت «اهی» (-ahi) خوانده و نامیده می‌شود، به معنی «مار یا افعی مهیب و سهمگین» است. در متون کهن ایرانی، گاه این واژه به گونة عام بکار می‌رود. اژدها جانوری است که در کهن‌ترین سنن نماد ویرانکاری و نیز آب و آبادانی بوده است. روزگاری دراز اساطیرشناسان می‌پنداشتد که اژدها نمایشگر سَر و انگیزه پیشرفت بشر است و سرگذشت بشر سراسر کوششی است برای رهائی یافتن از قدرت درهم شکننده اژدها. کهنترین تصویر موجود اژدها واقع در دروازه ایشتاررابطه میان اصل و آغاز جهان و اژدها در کیهان‌شناسی بابلیان آشکار است. در این کیهان‌شناسی، تیامات یا اژدهائی که نماد ظلمت آغازین است غالباً بصورت ماری خشمگین نموده شده و مردوک یا قهرمان خورشیدی بر آن چیره می‌شود. بدینگونه جهان روشن پدرسالاری جهان آغازین مادرشاهی را تسخیر می‌کند

Azhdaha, Azhdahak, Ezhdeha (Persian: اژدها) or Azhdar (اژدر) is a mythical creature in Iranian mythology, roughly equivalent to the dragon. They are gigantic snake-like creatures living in the air, in the sea, or on the earth. Sad dar-e nathr and sad dar-e Bondahesh, Shahnameh and Garshaspnameh are among the principal texts that contain information about the creature. In Persian literature, Azhdahas are depicted as a giant snake or lizard with wings. According to tradition, they have a huge body, a fierce face, their mouths are wide with many teeth, and their eyes are bright. Azhdahās are actually normal snakes, according to Ajāyeb ul-Makhlooghāt, a book by Mohammad b. Mahmoud b. Ahmad-e Tusi (wrote in 1160 AD), ”when a snake lives 100 years and its length becomes 30 Gazes (a traditional measurement unit approximate to a meter), it is called an azhdahā”. He also wrote that ”because of their harassment to other creatures, God eventually will throw them into the sea and in there, their body will continue to grow, such that their length becomes more than 10,000 Gazes. Then in the sea, they evolve to have two wings, like a fish, and the waves of the sea are because of their movements. Eating the heart of an Azhdahā brings courage and bravery. Their skins are suitable to healing the wound of love, and if someone buries an azhdahā’s head in soil, the conditions of that soil will become good.”[2] Another work which was considerably influenced by the Ajayeb ul-Makhlooghaat, is the Nuzhat al-Quloob. Completed in 1339–1340, the author and historian, Hamd Allah Mustaufi Qazvini, describes the azhada as being terrible in appearance, with flaming eyes, a wide mouth, and a body of enormous length. Like Ahmad-e-Tusi, he also maintains that the dragon was at first a serpent, and it was only after he became more than thirty yards long that it came to be called an azhada. He says that after the azhada was cast into the sea by God, for terrorizing the people on land, it developed fins and continued to grow in the sea. Eventually it grew so much that it caused damage in the sea, and after it was killed, its body was cast up on the shore to provide food for the inhabitants of the Land of Gog and Magog.In Shahnameh, the national epic of Greater Iran, azhdahās appear in a number of stories. Sām, Rostam, Eskandar, Esfandiar, Bahram V (Gur) are among the heroes that kill an azhada.

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