نابینای نوازنده
در این کتاب صحبت بر سر رنج های کور مادرزادی است که رفته رفته با دنیای خارج آشنا می شود و بدان انس می گیرد. برای او بساوایی حساس و شنوایی نازک سنج تنها وسیله شناخت شکل نزدیکان، مردم، جهان و طبیعت و حتی رنگ هاست. آرزوی دیدن جانش را می سوزاند ولی هنگامی رنجش می دهد که اشتیاق دیدار دلدار نازنین کاسه صبرش را لبریز می کند…
In this sketch, called by Korolenko ”a psychological study,” the author has attempted to analyze the inner life of the blind. He has undertaken to lay before the reader not only the psychological processes in the mind of the blind, but their suffering from the lack of sight as well, uncomplicated by any untoward circumstances. To accomplish this he has placed his hero in most favorable, nay, almost exceptional conditions. The subjects for this study are a blind girl, whom the author had known as a child; a boy, a pupil of his, who was gradually losing his sight; and a professional musician, blind from his birth, intellectually gifted, scholarly, and refined.
(From: Amazon)